First 2 Warbands

Kill-kill Shadows of the Stoolgate Nexus (Skaven):
  • Skrilik Slyslit, Assassin Adept
  • Querkit Greyscratch, Eshin Sorcerer
  • Kraknaw Gutterwhisker, Black Skaven
  • Thanquisk Poxkill, Black Skaven
  • Krot Cankernose, Night Runner
  • Skektrik Blightjaw, Night Runner
  • Conniving Usurpers, Verminkin (5)
  • Pestilent Wretches, Verminkin (4)
With replacement models including Rat Ogres and Giant Rats.

 The Beloved of the Child of Searing Light (Sisters of Sigmar):

  • Clothilda Heiligdorfer, Matriarch
  • Eva Dietfurter, Augur
  • Inga Hauptleiter, Sister Superior
  • Wertha Eppledorfer, Sister Superior
  • Sigmarite Sisters (2)
  • Sigmarite Sister (1)
  • Novices (2)
With replacement models including Bertha Bestraufrung.

Bases are Micro Art Studio Bases: Old Factory 30mm. These are round black bases with unpainted resin inserts. The inserts are "rubbery" (PVC?) and are not the best at taking glue or paint. I settled on using BSI Quick Cure epoxy. The Skaven were all new-in-box from Warpfire. The Sisters were one unopened box, an incomplete set (missing the Matriarch), an Augur, and Bertha Bestraufrung bought on eBay for silly money (I haven't even added it up). I was originally going to cut the tabs off the feet of the Sisters of Sigmar, but ended up cutting slots in the bases with an X-Acto knife. this was much easier than I thought it was going to be, and much more satisfying than butchering some minis that hadn't seen the light of day since 1999.

Now I need to paint them...


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